The legitimacy of commentary should not be dependent on how controversial or offensive it’s content.
Author: The Pennsylvania Post
Jacob Rosenberg | The danger of the categorization crutch
Our reliance on categories to describe our feelings may be politically convenient but is it honest?
Ireland Gorecki | ‘I Knew You Were Trouble,’ Travis Kelce.
With 2024 ballots in sight, it’s no surprise that this captivating relationship has garnered the attention of eager female voters—but will it change the voting habits of men too? Travis Kelce is granting a particular demographic of male voters a reason to vote blue.
Lexi Boccuzzi | ‘Call It What You Want,’ but Swifties will win the culture war
Rather than focus on Taylor Swift’s partisan affiliation, conservatives should take note of the way her lifestyle and fan base may be the key to winning the culture war.
Emma McClure | Has this generation gone too soft?
As society is pushing acceptance and redefining bullying beyond its logical bounds, socialization has taken a hit.
Thomas Sharrock | Why the ‘Snowflake Generation’ isn’t weak
Adversity has characterized the past of many successful people, leading some to believe that minor forms of bullying can be “character-building” for young people. But this perspective is warped and misguided. A tougher line on bullying is not only compassionate but may even save lives.
Lexi Boccuzzi | Why I resigned from The Daily Pennsylvanian.
It is with an eye to the future that I, therefore, resign from The Daily Pennsylvanian. I hope that the introduction of journalistic competition to campus will help us all recommit ourselves to the honest pursuit of the truth.
The Editorial Board | Why we started The Pennsylvania Post
The Editorial Board of The Pennsylvania Post believes that speech without freedom is useless, so we are starting a new paper to bring that spirit back to campus.