The American Dream is but a recipe with a broad range of ingredients mixing and matching. A Mexican-American explores the complicated views of the American Dream and Promise among students at Penn.
Lexi Boccuzzi | All is fair in love and friendship?
Can men and women just be friends? The age old question constantly nags at any intimate cross-gender friendship. It’s about time we explore the boundaries of the infamous “platonic” best friends relationship.
I am, I will, I can, and other Giancarloisms for Penn to live by.
A review of “An Evening with Giancarlo Esposito;” and all the incredible takeaways Penn students can learn from his life, advice, and experiences.
Anjali Reddy | Why I joined The Pennsylvania Post.
Freshman editor for the Penn Post explains why she joined Penn’s newest free press and why our publication is exactly what’s needed right now.
Noah Rubinson | No, Hillel should not condemn Israel
Recent anti-Zionist criticisms of Penn Hillel’s support of Israel misrepresents Hillel itself as well as the views of the Jewish community and activism on campus.
Paula Scanlan | How the NCAA’s transgender policies affect college sports
From February 9, 2022: Penn swimming catalyzed the national debate between upholding women’s rights and encouraging inclusion of transgender athletes, and it proved the NCAA’s policies are not up to snuff.
Marc Rowan | University donors, close your checkbooks
From October 11, 2023: Chairman of the Wharton Board of Advisors Marc Rowan condemns the antisemitic rot in academia and calls on his fellow donors to act.
Digging into Penn Dining: A timeline
From a million-dollar deficit to dining service strikes to outsourcing dining, Penn Dining has undergone many changes. Read the first investigative reporting project from The Penn Post, aiming to answer the simple question: Why is Penn Dining so bad?
Sam Gilbert | The Y Word
In a time where hatred runs rampant, one sports team has shown solidarity by reclaiming the very word used as a slur against their fans.
Chloe Hunt | Canada Goose, Grey Goose, or just a silly goose?
While Penn lives up to it’s reputation as one of the most social top schools, that social scene is often not accessible for everyone due to high costs for entry. It’s time for Penn’s upper class to change its ways.